Sunday, November 1, 2009


Today is our last day in India. It has been more than three months since we landed in Delhi in the midnight rain on July 27.

Will I be sad to leave tomorrow?


I am ready to go. I am exhausted.

Things I am looking forward to:
Drinking water from a tap
Wearing pants that are made from less than 10 square metres of fabric
Less time spent on the loo
Full-sized towels
Breathing in through my nose more often
No thongs in the shower (depending of course on how clean Angus and Chris' shower is)
Soy milk!
Non-Indian food. Any kind.
Less ghee
Anonymity (i.e. being stared at by every man on the street)

We have had an amazing time here. We have met great, interesting people, we've made Indian and French and Norwegian friends, we've tasted more flavours than imaginable, and we've seen so many sights.

Things I will miss:
The friendliness of the people here
The head wiggle
Nice hotels
The food. Maybe. In a while.
The colours - saris, dyes, flowers, paints, religious posters, in the food...
The rupee.

Over and out for now. See you in London!